
Austin Medical - Dental Malpractice lawyers

failure to diagnose - misdiagnosis - delayed diagnosis - failure to treat - delayed treatment, incompetent treatment - unauthorized treatment - lack of consent to treat - lack of informed consent - birth trauma - birth injury - cerebral palsy - birth injuries - hospital negligence - nursing negligence - pharmaceutical error - defective medicine - failure to disclose or warn of possible side effects - medical error - surgical error - medical mistakes - surgical mistakes - chiropractor error - chiropractic mistake - anesthesia error - prescription error - medication mistake - wrong medication prescribed - wrong prescription dosage - overdose of medication -  failure to perform appropriate testing - misinterpretation of lab results - failure to review lab results - failure to take preventative measures - unethical treatment - abusive treatment - patient abuse

Austin Texas lawyer

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Medical Malpractice: an act or omission by a health care provider which deviates from accepted standards of practice in the medical community and which causes injury to the patient. Simply put, medical malpractice is professional negligence (by a healthcare provider) that causes an injury. In the United States and other countries, a specific medical malpractice law has developed. In English law, the issue of liability is a subset of professional negligence where, under the Bolam Test, a doctor will be liable unless shown to have acted in accordance with a reasonable body of medical opinion.


Austin medical - dental malpractice lawyers - Austin Texas